School/Class Rules


School Rules

  1. We will respect ourselves and others at all times.
  2. We will use school equipment and property appropriately and safely.
  3. We will use appropriate language and volume at all times.
  4. We will be on time and prepared for the school day.
  5. We will be responsible for our own actions.


Boys’ Town

  1. Following Instructions                            9.  Resisting peer pressure
  2. Accepting criticism or a consequence   10.  Making an apology
  3. Accepting “No” for an answer             11.  Engaging in a conversation
  4. Greeting others                                    12.  Giving compliments
  5. Getting the teacher’s attention              13.  Accepting compliments
  6. Making a request                                 14.  Volunteering
  7. Disagreeing appropriately                     15.  Reporting others’ behavior
  8. Giving Criticism                                    16.  Introducing yourself


Class Schedule

CLASS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Class List